Surya Mudra
This pose will help you lose weight faster and improve your digestion, while also resolving any eyesight problems. The technique will also help you in case of circulation and trembling.
Prithvi Mudra
This strength pose can increase the earth element over the fire one. The earth element can influence the growth of tissues and muscle development while encouraging healing. It eliminates the fire element, meaning that it eliminates inflammation as well.
Vaayu Mudra
This pose will improve the oxygen transport to the body’s tissues and calm your mind.
Shunya Mudra
The Shunya Mudra pose will relax your body and help you with ear problems, vertigo or feeling of dullness.
Gyan Mudra
The pose of wisdom, as the Gyan Mudra is called, will boost your enthusiasm and creativity.
Varun Mudra
The pose can help people suffering from arthritis, hormonal disorders and dehydration.
Aakash mudra
The pose of enlightenment can relax your mind and detoxify your body.