You will need: 250 (275) 325 g purple yarn Super Kid Mohair (70% Royal mohair, 25% polyamide, 5% sheep wool, 138 m / 25 g); spokes number 5; Hook number 5; 2 buttons in the shape of a flower.
Caution sleeves are knitted from the top down. Arrows on the pattern - knitting direction.
Eraser: alternately 1 individuals, PHI 1..
The basic pattern: number of loops multiple of 1 + 2 + 3 abstentions. n. lifting. Knit for the scheme. Start with loops before rapport, rapport repeat loops, loops after finishing rapport. Run one time with the 1st to 3rd p., Then repeat the 2nd and 3rd p.
The density of knitting, basic pattern: 12 n and 5 p.. = 10 x 10 cm.
Back: crochet tie a chain of 55 (59) 65 abstentions. n. + 3 abstentions. n. lifting and basic knit pattern. After 12 cm = 6 p. from typesetting to add edge to the side bevels on both sides 1 rapport. After 26 cm = 13 p. (28 cm = 14 p.) 30 cm = 15 p. from the edge of typesetting leave for armholes on either side 2 rapport. After 46 cm = 23 p. (50 cm = 25 p.) 54 cm = 27 p. from typesetting edge finish work.
To strap on the bottom edge of the dial on the spokes 80 (86) 94 n., Tie a rubber band 12 cm and close the loop.

For the collar and strap on spokes dial 21 n. And knit band. After 18 cm from the edge of the typesetting for bevel subtract from the left side. 1 pt for this before chrome. knit 2 p. people together. This addition is repeated in each 6-m p. 9 more times = 11 n. A 55 (60) 65 cm from typesetting edge for the lower trims in addition to 11 n. Strap dial on the left side along the lower edge of the shelf 37 (41) 47 n., to relate to all 48 (52) 58 n. 12 cm elastic and close the loop on the drawing.
Right front: Knit symmetrically.

Assembly: perform shoulder seams; sew the short sides of the cut strips and sew strap to the bevel cutout neckline and back neckline.
Sew sleeves, perform side seams and joints bags. Make a right on the bar shelves 2 buttonholes (= 7 abstentions. N.). Sew on buttons.
Pattern - Sabrina Magazine Special Issue №02 2010 Crochet . source