CHARMING DRESS - free pattern

Material: Charming Slim 6 November 6313 in color (purple);   Ag to crochet circle 2.0mm.;  Fabric for the lining; Scissors
 used points - Corr. - Little chain, p.bx. - Very low point, bp - low, pa - High Point
Abbreviations - Nov. - ball, carr. - Career, ag .: needle, rep. - Repeat, diag. - Diagram Work. - work
Execution:  Dress - Pala - With wire Slim Charming in purple and ag color. crochet 2.0mm, start the play by pala Job. fronts and backs once. Trab. a string of 168 corr., 1 p.bx. to close the arc. This arch Job. following the diag. 1 of the 1st to the 10th carr .. Fold the flap in half and each side make the union of p. indicated with a string of 17 corr., these p. demarcated represent armhole. Part body - Trab. fronts and backs once watching the diag. And 2 p. rep. the 1st to the 63rd carr .. The numbers represented in red represents the number of carr., numbering represented in blue represents the amount of corr. in each arc. After the end of this Work stage. around the bar the finishing nozzle following the diag. 4 and p. rep.s of Trab. in carr. circular and close each carr. with 1 p.bx.Manga - With wire Slim Charming in purple and ag color. crochet 2.0mm, Job. around the pits following the diag. 3 of the 1st to the 14th carr. After the end of this Work stage. around the bar the finishing nozzle following the diag. 4 and p. rep .. Trab. in carr. circular and close each carr. with 1 p.bx .. Make the other sleeve the same. Use your own dress to get the mold liner leaving it to the desired height.  Craftswoman: Silvana Costa