The rosette - With wire Anne in beige and ag color. of 1,75mm crochet rosette start doing magic ring. 1st carr .: 3 corr., 17 tr, 1 p.bx. to close the carr. From the 2nd to the 9th carr. keep following the diag. 1. Trab. in carr. circular and close each carr. with 1 p.bx.
Rosetta B - With wire Anne in beige and ag color. of 1,75mm crochet rosette start doing magic ring. 1st carr .: 3 corr., 13 tr, 1 p.bx. to close the carr. From the 2nd to the 10th carr. keep following the diag. 2. Job. in carr. circular and close each carr. with 1 p.bx.

Dress - Front and Back - To compose the center of the dress make 2 rosettes (A) following the diag. 1 1 rosette (A) diag. 1 of the 1st to the 8th carr., Make 1 rosette (B) following the diag. 2. Follow the distribution scheme to unite them together with p.bx. Trab. Now each side separately. In the upper side of the part of the Work back. watching the diag.3 and p. rep. the 1st to the 8th carr .. At the top of the front Job. following the diag. 4 and p. rep .. Trab. in carr. round trip. After the end of this Work stage. the lower rosettes forward and back one time. Trab. following the diag. 5 of the 1st to the 3rd carr., Then Work. barred following the diag. 6 of the 1st to the 28th carr .. Trab. in carr. circular and close each carr. with 1 p.bx. Finishing - Switch to ag. upholstery and wire Anne beige and sew the shoulder (12cm). Return to ag. crochet 1,75mm and Work. around the neckline 1 carr. pb Cord - With wire Anne in beige and ag color. crochet 1,75mm Work. 1m cord one in corr., transpassive this cord at the bottom of the neck between the breasts and tie into a loop by determining the opening of the neck. Mangas -

Craftswoman: Antonia Fernandes