Tunisian crochet pattern No 2

Pattern - for this project start with 27 chain
1 row  - all the row it is sc (single stitch) and  closing with 2 loops together  ( see the video how)

3D crochet flower No 7

 Pattern - start with 6 chain 
1 row - 5 chain ,dc(double crochet) *2 chain  dc * repeat this until 7 times (8 in total), slip stitch .
2 row -  *3 chain ,turn back and sc in the next dc,turn front 7 dc , 5 front post  dc in  vertical dc , and the beginning slamming this until slst * repeat this until  7 times ( 8 in total) slst .
ch - chain , dc- double crochet , 

3D crochet flower No 8

Pattern - start with 5 chain for the ring.... in each position of the ring chain 1-1-1 dc in the st(1double crochet , 1 chain , 1 double crochet in the stitch ) .... go starting...
1 row -  5 chain , dc in the stitch, *1 chain ,1- 1 -1 dc v in the stitch ( 1 double crochet,1 chain,1 double crochet  v stitch)* repeat this until and the end , 10 times in total.(be 10 triangles, the first row) ,slamming slip stitch.
2 row -  3 chain ,5 tr(treble crochet),5dc vertically,1 dc * 5 dc vertically  5tr  5dc vertically  1dc * see the video how.  Repeat this until 5 times in total.

crochet stitch for bracelet

Pattern -  start with 14 chain
1 row-  3chain,dcin the 4 chain ,2 chain ,skip 6 chain 3 -3-3 dc shell( 3 double chrochet,3 chain 3dc shell)2 chain ,skip 6chain ,2dc

crochet stitch No 13 (christmas trees)

Pattern :
for this project start with 27 chain (12 chain +1 chain  for any tree) 
 1 row - *sc(single crochet),skip 1 chain ,sc again * repeat this until and the end of row

2 row - repeat the first row (  *sc(single crochet),skip 1 chain ,sc again * repeat this until and the end of row )
3 row  - * 1 loop ,sc(single crochet) , chain,sc the next 5 chain  ,skip 4and the 5 chain slip stitch in the first row, 5 ch again ,skip 4 chain and sc in the row to work,1ch,sc , 5 chain slip stitch in the first row, 5 ch again ,skip 4 chain and sc in the row to work,1ch,sc* repeat this until for the 5 row,7row,9row,11row etc.... 
 4 row -  1loop, sc - ch -sc, *ch skip 1 dc * repeat this until 4 times (see the video how) , sc-chain - sc,*ch skip 1 dc * repeat this until 4 times ,  sc-chain - sc,
and the next repeat the 3&4 row  depending on the length of our creation . 

crochet stitch -Part 2 (the clousing in the triangle)

A beautiful pattern for blankets, shawl, children's clothes etc.
Watch the first part of the plan to see the here after...
pattern for this project:
12 row - change the color , 3 chain, dc4tog(double crochet together)the next dc all & the end the final dc4tog
13 row - change the color , 5 times *8 double crochet in the 1 stitch*, slip stitch.
14 row  -  change the color , 3 chain, dc4tog(double crochet together)the next dc all & the end the final dc4tog.
15 row - change the color , 4 times *8 double crochet in the 1 stitch*, slip stitch.
16 row - change the color , 3 chain, dc4tog(double crochet together)the next dc all & the end the final dc4tog.
17 row -  change the color , 3 times *8 double crochet in the 1 stitch*, slip stitch.
18 row -  change the color , 3 chain, dc4tog(double crochet together)the next dc all & the end the final dc4tog.
19 row- change the color , 2 times *8 double crochet in the 1 stitch*, slip stitch.
20 row - change the color , 3 chain, dc4tog(double crochet together)the next dc all & the end the final dc4tog.
21 row - change the color ,  *8 double crochet in the 1 stitch*, slip stitch.
22 row - change the color and dc8tog (8 double crochet  together)

for the Part 1 of the video see here 

crochet stitch Part 1(the opening of the trangle )

3D crochet stitch No 12

Pattern - for this project start with chain as is the project you want to create.
1 row - 3 chain ,skip 3 ch and the 4 chain 3dc in st(3 double crochet in the shame stitch),

crochet stitch No 11

Pattern - start with chain for this project (for hats finish with slip stitch )
1row - 4chain 4 long half double crochet shell ,*dc ,1 chain  , 4 long half double crochet shell * 

3D crochet flower in square motif

owl crochet stitch straight line

- start with chain ...the next 
1 row - 3 chain,*2 chain sc 2 chain,dc v  st ch3 (v stitch double crochet,chain3,double crochet)2 ch sc 2 ch*
repeat this until and the end of row

crochet stitch No - 10

1 row -- 3chain ,16 double crochet ,slip stitch.
2 row - 3chain ,* 2 dc(double crochet)3chain * repeat this until 8 times in total and slst(slip stitch)

heart crochet string No - 2

Pattern - start with chain as long as the length of our creature
 the top row start with 2chain, skip 2chain and the 3 chain work 2dc,1ch,slst  in the st
the next start with 1chain,2dc in the st,skip 2chain and the 3 ch slst,
repeat the previous procedure again
for as many times as necessary to complete our creation !
the bottom row of the heart-shaped  start with hdc,sc,dc,sc,hdc,slst......
repeat the previous procedure again
for as many times as necessary to complete our creation !