Chic - 9 November pink (6133)
Ag. To crochet Circle No. 3 mm.
Size - 38/40
point used
Little chain (corr.). low (bp): Enter the ag. Lace., pull the p. and other Lace., rem. all p .. High point (pa):. Lace, enter the ag, Lace, pull the p... Lace., rem., 2 p. and other Lace., rem. all p .. High point in the right relief (relief pa):. Lace, enter the ag horizontally behind the pa carr.. earlier, Lace., pull the p. Lace., rem., 2 p. and other Lace., rem. all p .. Crab Point: work in sc from left to right. fantasy point 1, 2, 3 and 4: Follow the corresponding chart. Tip: follow the corresponding chart.
Front and back - are equal, you work together and circle from the armhole. Start with the back's shoulders. Make corr. 3 more than 78 p. to turn around and work on p. Fantasy # 1 following the corresponding graph, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (11 v.). A 14 cm from the beginning let waiting. Front - use the same corr. the beginning and work in 14 p. one on each side carr. w. Fantasy # 1 following the corresponding chart. For the neckline make a corr. 49 p. joining the two front sides. Continue p. fantasy, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (7 v.) In the race. union side, are 11 times from * *. A 14 cm from the beginning to the pits together front and back with a corr. 21 p., work front and back in a circle and p. Fantasy # 1 following the chart, make every corr. armhole 3 more times * a * towards the p .. They are 28 times * a * in the sense of p .. The 20 cm from the beginning, work w. Fantasy # 2 following the chart, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (40 v.). A 30 cm from the start, work on p. Fantasy # 1 following the chart, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (18 v.). A 36 cm from the beginning, the beginning work on p. Fantasy # 2 following the chart, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (40 v.). A 40 cm from the beginning, work as follows: 1 carr. in bp with 135 p., 1 carr. in pa with 141 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb Wren. Anterior 1 carr. in bp with 141 p., 1 carr. in pa to 147 p., 1 carr. in bp with 147 p., 1 carr. in pa with 153 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb Wren. Anterior 1 carr. in bp with 153 p., 1 carr. in pa with 159 p., 1 carr. in bp with 159 p., 1 carr. in pa 165 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb carr., above. At this time work on p. Fantasy # 3 following the chart, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (25 v.). After the graphic, work as follows: 1 carr. in pa 184 p., 1 carr. in bp 184 p., 1 carr. in pa 190 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb Wren. Anterior 1 carr. in bp 190 p., 1 carr. in pa 196 p., 1 carr. in bp 196 p., 1 carr. in pa with 202 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb carr., above. 1 carr. in bp with 202 p., 1 carr. in pa 208 p., 1 carr. in bp 208 p., 1 carr. in pa to 214 p., take the pa on the back of the race. pb carr., above. Then work on p. Fantasy No. 4 following the chart, repeat from * to * the sense of p. (14 v.). Repeat from * to * the meaning of carr. (3 v.) Then do all around the nozzle according to the chart and rem .. Make all around the armholes and neckline one carr. p. crab and rem .. source