THE SIZE - 34/36
YOU WILL NEED Yarn (100% Cotton, 110 m / 50 g) - 200 g of beige-brown, 150 g pistachio mint and 100 g of pink and wine-red; spokes №5; hook №5.
The number of loops multiple of 6 + 1 + 2 chrome.
Knit according to the scheme. It gives facial ranks. In the ranks of all the loops backstitches a drawing or as indicated. Start with 1 chrome. and loops before rapport, rapport repeat constantly, finish loops after rapport and 1 chrome. 1-8- th district. constantly repeated.
Run the initial chain of 8 ce, close it with a 1 comp. Art. in the ring and knit according to the scheme of knitting 1 circular rows, with the 1 st and 3 rd krug.r. start with 1 CP instead of the 1st item. b / n and finish 1 Comm. Art. in the ce lift, 2 nd krug.r. start with 3 ce instead of the 1st item. s / n and finish 1 Comm. Art. knit together into the base of Art. s / n.
After the 1st and 2nd krug.r. cut the thread and pull through the last loop on the hook, and then attach a new thread in the same place for the next series of circular. 1-3 th krug.r. run 1 time.
All of the following reasons to knit as well, but in the last row circular attached to the previous motive in places indicated by the arrows in the following way: in the corners after the "bumps" knit 1 extra comp. Art. in "bumps" adjacent motif; in the middle of the edge of the run instead of the average CP arch 1 comp. Art. ce in the middle adjacent arches. If several motifs merge angles, each next conn. Art. to perform a connection to the 1st claim. connections.
The sequence of bands
Initial row and 1 st krug.r. tie beige and brown thread, 2 nd krug.r. tie pink and wine-red thread and 3 rd krug.r. associate mint pistachio thread, with the thread of each color continue to be used from the same coil to change the color of sectional dyed yarn.
The initial number of loops multiple of 3.
Each circular row start with a designated number of ce instead of the 1st item. and loops before rapport, rapport repeat constantly, complete loop before the circular number 1 comp. Art. in the ce lifting or base knit together Art. s / n.
After the 2nd and 3rd krug.r. 1 pass via comp. Art. to the beginning of the next series of circular, whereby the beginning of a series of circular shift to the left.
1-5- th krug.r. run 1 time.
crochet motif related = 10 x 10 cm;
16 n the initial number x 5 krug.r.. = 10 x 5.5 cm, connected pattern for bars.
Beige-brown thread dial on the spokes of 99 loops and knit a relief pattern.
After 23 cm = 72 p. from the initial number of close on both sides for bevels raglan 1 x 3 sts., then 27 x 1 pt. in each 2-m p.
Through 41 cm = 128 p. from the initial series to close the remaining 39 n.
BEFORE - Knit like the back.
SLEEVE - Run 10 above motifs in sequences strips and connect them by motifs circuit layout according to the figures.
Motifs 1 and 4 stand for a sleeve seam line and therefore shown folded. The upper edge of the motives of 9 and 10 relate to the neck.
ASSEMBLY - The lower edges of sleeves tie 5.5 cm = 5 krug.r. mint pistachio thread pattern for bars, while in the 1st krug.r. performed after attaching thread 1 CP instead of the 1st item. b / n and link 47 Art. b / n. The sides of the motives of 9 + 7, the upper edge of the motif 4, as well as the sides of the motives of 8 + 10 tie at once mint pistachio thread 1 p. Art. b / n = edge raglan. Run raglan seams and side seams.
The bottom edge pullover tie mint pistachio thread pattern for bars 5.5 cm = 5 krug.r., while 1st krug.r. After attaching the yarn to perform ce 1 instead of the 1st item. b / n and link 131 Art. b / n. neck tie mint pistachio thread 2.5 cm = 3 krug.r. pattern for the straps as follows: 1st krug.r. each square edge to tie the 14th century. b / n, while Art. b / n carried out under the arches of ce .; the closed end of the back and forehand perform on 36 st. b / n = 128 Art. b / n. In the 2nd krug.r. knit together Art. s / n perform in every 4th st. b / n the previous circular rows = 32 "bumps." 3rd and 4th krug.r. the pattern does not perform as well just finish 5th krug.r.
Photo: magazine «Verena Podium» №1 / 2016