Materials: DROPS BELLE from Garnstudio
350-350-400-450-450-500 g colour no 03, light beige
HOOK SIZE 4.5 mm - or size needed to get 16 tr x 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm, or 1 repetition of A.2 = width 5 cm. NOTE: 1 ch-space = 1 tr + 2 ch should measure 1½ cm in width - make sure that ch are not worked too tight
CROCHET INFO:On every tr round/row replace first tr with 4 ch. Finish round with 1 sl st in 4th ch at beg of round.
PATTERN: See diagrams A.1 to A.5.
DECREASE TIP: Dec 1 tr by working the next 2 tr tog as follows: Work 1 tr but wait with last pull through (= 2 loops on hook), then work next tr but on last pull through, pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook.
Dec 1 ch-space at beg of row as follows seen from RS: Work 2 ch, skip the first ch-space, work 1 tr around next ch-space. On next row skip the last ch-space seen from WS (= first ch-space seen from RS).
Dec 1 ch-space at end of row as follows seen from RS: Work until 1 ch-space remains, 2 ch, skip the last ch-space, work 1 st in each of the remaining sts. On next row skip the first ch-space, work 2 ch, and 1 tr around next ch-space seen from WS (= last ch-space seen from RS).
Worked in the round, bottom up, then divide the piece into front piece and back piece and work back and forth up to shoulder. Work an edge at the bottom of with mesh pattern at the end. Beg of round = in the right side.
Work 195-205-223-242-270-289 loose ch on hook size 4.5 mm with Belle and form a ring with 1 sl st. Work 4 ch – see CROCHET INFO! Then work as follows: Work 1 tr in each of the first 6-2-6-4-4-2 ch, * skip 1 ch, 1 tr in each of the next 6 ch *, repeat from *-* 26-28-30-33-37-40 more times = 168-176-192-208-232-248 tr + 4 ch at beg of round. Continue in the round with 1 tr in every tr until piece measures 5-5-6-6-7-7 cm. REMEMBER THE CROCHET TENSION! Now work pattern from 2nd round in diagram A.1 (= 8 tr) 21-22-24-26-29-31 times on round. NOTE: A.2 shows how round beg and ends. On last row in diagram dec 32 tr evenly in all sizes - READ DECREASE TIP = 136-144-160-176-200-216 tr + 4 ch at beg of round. Continue with 1 tr in every tr until piece measures 25-25-26-26-27-27 cm vertically. Then work A.1 as before from 2nd round in diagram but now work 17-18-20-22-25-27 repetitions on round. NOTE: A.2 shows how round beg and ends. Finish before the last 2 rows in diagram A.1. Now work 1 row with 1 tr in every tr and adjust no of sts to 132-136-154-166-190-198 tr. Cut the yarn. Insert a marker here. NOW MEASURE THE PIECE FROM HERE. Now divide piece in 2 for front and back piece.
BACK PIECE: Skip 4-6-6-6-6-7 tr for armhole, work A.3 (= 8 tr), A.4 (= 3 tr) 16-16-19-21-25-26 times in width, work A.5 (= 6 tr) = 19-19-22-24-28-29 ch-spaces on first row. Continue as explained in the different sizes below:
SIZE S and M:
Continue back and forth with pattern as shown on 2nd and 3rd row in A.3 to A.5 until piece measures 14-15 cm – adjust so that next row is worked as 3rd row.
Continue back and forth with pattern as shown on 2nd and 3rd row in A.3 to A.5, AT THE SAME TIME on next row dec for armhole in each side inside 3 sts - READ DECREASE TIP CH-SPACES. NOTE: Work 3 dtr instead of 3 tr in each side on the rows with dec (this is done to avoid tight edges). Repeat dec 0-1-2-2 more times (= 1-2-3-3 dec in total in each side) = 20-20-22-23 ch-spaces remain. Then continue with ch-spaces as shown on 2nd and 3rd row in diagram A.3 to A.5 until piece measures 16-17-18-19 cm – adjust so that next row is worked as 3rd row.
Then continue as explained below in all sizes:
Then finish each shoulder separately. Turn and work as before over the first 4-4-4-4-5-5 ch-spaces, work 1 tr in each of the first 3 tr of the 26-26-28-28-28-30 tr. Turn and work 16-16-16-16-19-19 tr evenly on shoulder. Fasten off.
Work the other shoulder the same way but reversed. Beg at the armhole, and work 1 tr in each of the outermost 3 tr, then work ch-spaces as before over the 4-4-4-4-5-5 ch-spaces, and 1 tr in each of the next 3 tr. Turn and work 16-16-16-16-19-19 tr evenly over shoulder. Fasten off.
Skip 4-6-6-6-6-7 tr for armhole. Work A.3 (= 8 tr), A.4 (= 3 tr) 16-16-19-21-25-26 times in width, work A.5 = 19-19-22-24-28-29 ch-spaces on first row and 4-6-6-6-6-7 tr remain until beg on back piece. Continue as explained in the different sizes below:
SIZE S and M:
Continue back and forth with 2nd and 3rd row in A.3 to A.5 until 5 rows have been worked in both sizes. Now work as follows: Work 1 tr in each of the first 3 tr and 4-4 whole ch-spaces (i.e. ch-spaces with 2 ch), work 1 tr in next tr, then work 24-24 tr evenly over the next 10-10 ch-spaces, work 1 tr in next tr, and 1 tr around next ch-space, continue with 4-4 whole ch-spaces (i.e. ch-spaces with 2 ch) and 1 tr in each of the outermost 3 tr = 26-26 tr for neck in the middle of front piece.
Continue back and forth with 2nd and 3rd row in A.3 to A.5, AT THE SAME TIME on next row dec for armhole in each side as on back piece and when 5 rows with ch-spaces have been worked, work tr for neck in the middle of front piece as follows: Work 1 tr in each of the first 3 tr and 4-4-5-5 whole ch-spaces (i.e. ch-spaces with 2 ch), work 1 tr in next tr, then work 26-26-26-28 tr evenly over the next 11-11-11-12 ch-spaces from previous row, work 1 tr in next tr, and 1 tr around next ch-space, continue with 4-4-5-5 whole ch-spaces (i.e. ch-spaces with 2 ch) and 1 tr in each of the outermost 3 tr = 28-28-28-30 tr for neck in the middle of front piece.
Now continue as explained below in all sizes:
Then finish each shoulder separately. Turn and work ch-spaces as before over the first 4-4-4-4-5-5 ch-spaces, work 1 tr in each of the first 3 tr of the 26-26-28-28-28-30 tr. Turn and continue like this with ch-spaces and 3 tr in each side until piece measures 16-17-18-19-20-21 cm. Turn and work 16-16-16-16-19-19 tr evenly over shoulder. Fasten off.
Work the other shoulder the same way but reversed. I.e. beg at the armhole.
Sew the shoulder seams tog. Sew one and one stitch neatly tog and make sure to avoid a tight seam. Fasten off.
Now work an edge at the bottom of tunic as follows:
ROUND 1: Fasten yarn with 1 dc and 3 ch at beg of round. * 2 ch, skip approx. 1½ cm, 1 tr *, repeat from *-* the entire round but finish with 1 sl st in 3rd ch at beg of round = approx. 71-73-80-87-97-104 ch-spaces on round.