kids dresses

Dear mom-needlewoman, entertain your little daughter's such a beautiful, delicate filigree and light summer dress, in which she will be the most beautiful, elegant and unique.Knit dress is very easy and if you follow the proposed scheme, it can be done fairly quickly.Try it, and you certainly will succeed, and we will help her in this detailed description.So knit openwork crochet dress for girls - a diagram and description. 
Necessary materials:- Fine mercerized cotton yarn white - two hundred grams;
- Fine mercerized cotton yarn green - one hundred grams;
- Crochet hook number 2: - Subtle satin green - three meters;
- A thin satin ribbon white - one meter; - A little thin yellow yarn;- Decorative ladybugs.
Description of work.

To start a thread of green associate the upper part of the dress - a flirt. It is knitted, crocheted as napkins, starting from round neck toward the waist, with the same additions are made uniform in each row, and using the pattern specified below.Ready-round yoke connects the two sides under the arms resulting in formation of a light airy dresses sleeves future.
Further work is included in the string of white, which fit round the lower part of the dress - the skirt, "Pineapple" pattern. This pattern is also made uniform addition in each row, whereby the skirt becomes wide and lush. Using below the proposed scheme, you will be able to link a skirt of this length dresses, which you need to bud
, repeating the pattern of the average two or more times. Finish the skirt pattern should be indicated in the last three rows of the scheme. By the way the same pattern, you can tie a thread sleeve dress green.
A special highlight this dress give decorative chamomile on the waist and delicate bandage on his head decorated with daisies.
To relate this daisy yellow thread must dial a chain of three stitches, and close them in the ring.
This is followed by another three to tie a loop aerial lift, and then in a circle  twenty-four column with one nakida.
Then turn to the work of the thread is white, and begin knitting long narrow petals of daisies. To do this, tie a chain of fifteen stitches, then knit another air lift loop in the opposite direction of the knit one column without nakida - two columns with one nakida - seven columns with two nakida - again two columns with one nakida - one column without nakida and finish at the midway daisy petal a connective loop. Next, in the same way to associate the second and all subsequent pitch circle, as shown in the diagram below.In the end it is necessary to draw between the openwork pattern dresses at the waist thin white satin ribbon, this is commonly used in embroidery, ribbons and sew the waist three related daisies decorated decorative ladybirds.